Star Wars Has Shown Me The Future
I was hugely disappointed in the new Star Wars films. I grew up on the original Star Wars movies and felt betrayed by Lucas when I saw what he'd done with my memories. I was such a fanboy that I shut down my last company and took everyone (about 30 people) to see Episode One. Needless to say I wasn't very happy when the credits rolled.
Just as Yoda said "There is another". Or in this case, several. The fans are the Jedi's fighting lord Lucas for the hearts and souls of their fellow fans. They have created some impressive works. My two favorites are Sequential Pictures - A Lost Hope and Panic Stuck Productions - Revelations. Each is full of bad acting and could use work but captures the spirt of the original films better than Lucas could ever hope to.
In the future it's going to be everyday fans that make the best films.